Webinar Tips

To ensure the best from the webinar please heed the following information:

  • We will send you an invitation with a link one day before the webinar.
  • We will use ZOOM as the platform.
  • You need a device with a camera and a microphone – PC, notebook, tablet.
  • In addition, you need a smartphone for the interactive elements of the webinar.
  • If possible, connect your device with a LAN-cable with the router. If this is not possible, make sure that you are close to the WLAN router.
  • Avoid simultaneous up and downloads.
  • Please don’t surf the web and don’t watch YouTube videos during the webinar.
  • Note also that other users in your network will reduce the internet speed with their web activities.
  • Please log in 15 minutes before the webinar using the provided link and check if everything is working properly. When the webinar starts, all technical problems should be solved as there are no tests possible during the webinar.
  • We will provide you with some information on the ‘etiquette’ at the start of the webinar

If you’re facing technical issues during the webinar, for example; If the connection breaks down, you can log in again at any time using the provided link.