Probationary Faculty Evaluation

This form is to be completed by the Instructor whom the Probationary Instructor is assisting upon completion of the course. 

When completed it should be discussed with the Probationary Instructor, if impractical in person, then a virtual call is suggested.

Once this form is submitted, an email copy will be sent to the Instructor completing the form and the Probationary Instructor. The Probationary Instructor is to email a copy of this evaluation to their Mentor and the International Director Of Education, Richard Rosedale, within 14 days.

Be as detailed as possible in the feedback you are providing. There are four sections for each competency:

  • ‘Comments’ for more general feedback
  • ‘Continue to do’ for those aspects which were accomplished well
  • ‘Actions to modify’ for those components that were attempted but did not reach the expected standard or could be improved in some specific way
  • ‘Start doing’ for those components that were absent but need to be integrated into this competency.


The PFI projects and maintains a professional image while co-teaching a course.

COMPETENCY : Demonstrates Sufficient Skill

The PFI is considerate of diversity, equity and inclusion in the teaching and learning space.

COMPETENCY : Demonstrates Sufficient Skill


The PFI develops a teaching plan with strategies/resources for achieving learning objectives for each module. (This can be covered by reviewing the PF Eval form with the mentor and the PF Self-Eval form).

COMPETENCY : Demonstrates Sufficient Skill

The PFI teaches to and meets the goals and objectives of the course section.

COMPETENCY : Demonstrates Sufficient Skill

The PFI demonstrates the ability to teach (simplify) the course content to the appropriate level of the students.

COMPETENCY : Demonstrates Sufficient Skill

When teaching content, the PFI demonstrates the ability to present in a clear, logical, unambiguous fashion.

COMPETENCY : Demonstrates Sufficient Skill

The PFI can maintain audience attention and if required, manages technology effectively to facilitate this.

COMPETENCY : Demonstrates Sufficient Skill

The PFI demonstrates proficient time management skills (sets time limits, keeps to time allotments throughout parts of the course and can get back on track from interruptions).

COMPETENCY : Demonstrates Sufficient Skill


The PFI demonstrates the ability to use 'adult education' principles and uses interactive and problem-solving methods of teaching.

COMPETENCY : Demonstrates Sufficient Skill

The PFI creates a positive learning environment where participants can display relaxed concentration and have the freedom to ask questions.

COMPETENCY : Demonstrates Sufficient Skill

The PFI answers questions in a clear and concise manner, both during teaching sessions and during the breaks.

COMPETENCY : Demonstrates Sufficient Skill

The PFI listens to viewpoints other than their own (i.e. does not get defensive or argumentative).

COMPETENCY : Demonstrates Sufficient Skill


When presenting a topic, the PFI demonstrates a thorough knowledge of the MDT system, terminology and supportive literature.

COMPETENCY : Demonstrates Sufficient Skill

The PFI demonstrates the ability to link theory with clinical relevance and provide clinical examples.

COMPETENCY : Demonstrates Sufficient Skill

The PFI Incorporates discussion of clinical reasoning processes that guide decision making into learning tasks.

COMPETENCY : Demonstrates Sufficient Skill

When teaching MDT procedures, the PFI is accurate in the performance of procedures, utilises correct MDT terminology and teaches components of the procedure, (position of clinician/patient position/application of force).

COMPETENCY: Demonstrates Sufficient Skill


When recording on the assessment form the PFI accurately interprets answers to the questions, records clearly and in well-organized manner and demonstrates proper use of MDT terminology.

COMPETENCY: Demonstrates Sufficient Skill

The PFI demonstrates the ability to develop therapeutic alliance and empower the patient with the principles of self-care.

COMPETENCY : Demonstrates Sufficient Skill

During patient assessments the PFI extracts the necessary and correct information from both the History and Physical Examination and draws correct conclusions from this information.

COMPETENCY: Demonstrates Sufficient Skill

During patient assessments the PFI incorporates discussion of clinical reasoning processes that guide decision making during the patient assessment.

COMPETENCY : Demonstrates Sufficient Skill

When assisting with patients the PFI demonstrates the ability to provide clear, concise and thorough patient education in a manner which is understood by the patient.

COMPETENCY : Demonstrates Sufficient Skill

When indicated the PFI ensures appropriate follow-up management of the patient is coordinated.

COMPETENCY : Demonstrates Sufficient Skill