
The McKenzie Institute International will be providing ongoing webinars to meet the needs of those interested in furthering their knowledge of MDT.

We look forward to your participation in some of the exciting webinars coming up. These webinars are free to attend.

Upcoming Webinars

We currently have no scheduled webinars for 2024, but are working on it!

If you have any ideas for topics you might like to see covered, please feel free to send us an email and let us know.

Past Webinars

Does MDT adhere to the LBP Guidelines? (17 NOVEMBER 2022)

Join presenter Robert Medcalf (PT, CPT, OCS, Dip. MDT) where he will focus on the following questions:

  • Are Clinical Practice Guidelines important?
  • Where do the guidelines come from?
  • What is considered guideline adherent care for LBP?



MDT IN RADICULAR SYNDROME: Matching Diagnosis to Treatment! (25 OCTOBER 2022)

In this webinar presenter Hans Van Helvoirt will cover differential diagnosis between derangement and mechanical unresponsive radicular syndrome, and relate management to those different classifications and come up with a new proposal based on tissue reactivity, instead of dividing management to acute, subacute and chronic time frames.

The webinar will be presented by Hans van Helvoirt and will be facilitated by Helen Clare.



Acute Pain for MSK Clinicians (APRIL 2022)

Often uncertainty, fear and high expectations characterize the management of acute pain in MSK practice. We will discuss with you why and when conservative care makes sense for patients with acute pain and what it can look like.

The webinar will be presented by Richard Rosedale and Georg Supp.



Changing the course of back pain the MDT way (NOVEMBER 2021)

Back pain, like most musculoskeletal conditions, tends to be recurrent, persistent, episodic, and costly. Involving the patient in self-management may be the key to the control of this condition. Minimizing future episodes of pain, disability and health care utilization has been one of the biggest foci of MDT.

The webinar will be presented by Cora Aytona and Gary Dykes and will be facilitated by Helen Clare.


Insights into the McKenzie Institute's Diploma in MDT (OCTOBER 2021)

Considering making MDT the focus of your future clinical work?
Join us to find out more about how the Diploma Programme works.

The webinar will be presented by MII Faculty, Diploma Educators, Diplomates and Diploma candidates.



Understanding the Drivers of Pain and Disability (SEPTEMBER 2021)

Join presenters, Georg Supp and Richard Rosedale for the latest webinar in the MII series. This webinar may help you to:

  • understand different aspects of pain and their relation to clinical practice
  • determine the impact of these aspects on different classifications
  • evaluate, how these aspects may influence treatment outcomes
  • detect and evaluate, to what extent contextual factors may influence patient management and results
  • get an idea how to address these aspects in daily clinic



Cervicogenic Headaches (MAY 2021)

Join presenter, Mark Miller, for this interesting webinar that will answer the following questions:

  • Are headache derangements unique in their behaviour?
  • Do we need to adapt our assessment?
  • Considering the thoracic spine or psychosocial factors?



Achilles Tendinopathy (FEBRUARY 2021)

Join presenter, Christian Garlich, for this interesting and interactive webinar that will answer the following questions:

  • Does the structure matter?
  • Diagnostic Process > Tendon pain = Tendon?
  • Exercise, Load Management, Education > The perfect plan?



Shoulder Pain: An interactive Case (OCTOBER 2020)

Join presenter, Georg Supp, for this interesting and informative webinar discussing the case of a 22 year old Electrician with 10 weeks of shoulder pain.



Pelvic Pain Syndrome: Challenging the Norm with MDT (JULY 2020)

This webinar will explore the use of MDT principles within a pelvic physiotherapy framework. 

This webinar is brought to you by the McKenzie Institute International, and will be presented by Di Wu, Cert. MDT, and moderated by Michael Dyck, Dip. MDT. It will last about 75 minutes.



MDT: Bringing everyone up to speed (JUNE 2020)

If you feel as though you have been in the dark about what's been recently happening and updating within the MDT system and its teaching, then this is the webinar for you.

Maybe it's been a while since you have completed your McKenzie courses, maybe you started and are for waiting the next one, or have been busy putting the system into practice? 

Either way, join Richard Rosedale and Georg Supp for the webinar and gain some insight into the assessment form, classification and clinical updates. 



The Devil's in the details: variations of traditional MDT loading strategies for effective self-management (MAY 2020)

This webinar will aim to give strategies and solutions for effective patient self-management in the context of online MDT therapy. It will explore force alternatives and progressions for the spine that are not included in course manuals, but that are often utilized by seasoned MDT practitioners for patient home-exercise programs.



MDT and Telehealth (MAY 2020)

This webinar will be presented by several MDT clinicians with a view to talking about how to set up and use Telehealth (logistics, recommended platforms etc) and then more specifically how to use it in conjunction with MDT treatment.



Low Back Pain: Return to Activity (RTA) (APRIL 2020)

This webinar is presented by Georg Supp, McKenzie Institute International Instructor. Georg has already successfully run this three times in Germany/Austria/Switzerland. We are fortunate to have him now presenting this in the English language.